W.K. To & Co.’s lawyers Cindy Chen, Kenny Chun and Ronald To went to Beijing to meet with our key clients and lawyers contacts in Beijing on 8 and 9 May. The purpose of this trip was to further understand the legal needs of our clients and consolidate the relationship with the Beijing lawyers whom we regularly work with.
On 8 May, Kenny and Ronald delivered a presentation on Mareva Injunction to more than 30 partners and associates of W & H Law 炜衡律师事务所. Both speakers received very positive feedback after the talk and had interactive discussions with participants.
On 9 May, Kenny and Ronald were invited to attend the private forum organized by Beijing DHH Law Firm德和衡律师事务所的私董会, which was the by-invitation only event to gather over 40 lawyers from Hong Kong, Europe, North America, Australia, South East Asia and the Middle East. The organizer DHH hosted this forum to promote the cooperation and legal exchanges among the lawyers across the globe.
At the invitation of DHH, Kenny spoke on “Law Firms in the age of Globalization” on behalf of Hong Kong jurisdiction over the conference. Our lawyers had great opportunities meeting and networking with lawyers from around the world with broad and deep experience representing a diverse range of domestic and global clients.